By the beginning of last week I had largely given up on brilliant autumn color for this year. I knew that I had to be satisfied with the dull, but persistent orange of the oaks and the occasional splashes of yellow from the obstinate Beech trees, but then I stepped out of my door and saw our Japanese Maple.
Over the years I have planted many trees around our house. A Red Maple, and a Norway Maple along our stone wall, 9 Apple and two

I assume that it is a dwarf variety, still standing only about 10 feet high, but this week, despite the general November devastation, the tree was aflame with color ranging from brilliant crimson to electric yellow. Obviously, I took a picture, but then I decided to capture the tree in more detail. Over this last week I tried to explore this brave little tree in a variety of ways. I followed the Maple's fantastically colorful show through to its remarkably sudden and inevitable surrender to the elements. What follows is a brief album celebrating that journey.
Full Color
At the beginning of the week the Japanese Maple was in full color and, despite the bare branches of trees all around, it was tenaciously clinging to its leaves. Seeing the brilliance of the reds in these

As I moved in
closer I was struck by the wide variation in color and pattern of the leaves.
This was probably related to the differences in the amount of light that struck
various branches. Colors ranged from deep dark reds to bright yellows and some
leaves had a stippled pattern of light and dark.
Over the next few days I had the opportunity to catch the tree in a
range intensities and angles of light. In the bright light the transilluminated
leaves became electric, while with soft overcast the full intensity of the color
could be seen without being muted by reflections. As always, my polarizing
filter help to bring out the colors even in softly diffused light.
Camera Motion

Whenever I think about looking at things
with different eyes infrared immediately comes to mind. Whether the leaves are
deep red, yellow or mid-summer green, in the infrared spectrum they all come out
ghostly white.
The late season color of our Japanese Maple
was remarkable, but what was the most surprising was how suddenly the leaves all
crashed to the ground. Essentially overnight the tree went from full bloom to
nearly bare and without any unusual twist in the weather. No big storm or
blustery winds to force the leaves to the ground. Apparently the tree just
decided it was time. I was left with a few stragglers and a luxurious red
Spending a week studying a single tree in its autumn glory and

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