Monday, November 26, 2018

Lightroom CC Classic Course, Coming in January!

Introduction to Lightroom Classic – AND the Transition to Photoshop

Six Tuesday Evenings January 8th - February 12th
Monadnock Imaging, Main Street Keene New Hampshire

Once again, beginning in early January, I will be offering my Introduction to Lightroom CC Classic.  If you are unfamiliar with the Adobe Lightroom program, I am not surprised.  I have found that everyone has at least heard of Photoshop.  “Lightroom” often draws vacant stares, but if you are interested in getting the most from your images there is no better place to start.

Lightroom Catalog Database
For a long time, I have been a dedicated user of Photoshop, but over the last few years I have become increasingly impressed with the power of Lightroom.  Lightroom began primarily as an image organizing program and, for managing large collections of visual assets, it remains far superior to Photoshop. As my own image library grew to hundreds of thousands, I realized I needed a database system to manage the glut.  It was for this reason that I began using Lightroom.  

Saving a terrible image

Lightroom's  Modules
With each new version of Lightroom, the program’s capabilities and features have grown.  Its image management tools have improved, but the major advancement has been in its sophisticated editing capabilities. Lightroom’s Develop Module now is as fully capable as Photoshop’s Camera RAW, but Lightroom organizes these tools in a simpler and more intuitive work flow. The program also facilitates the sharing of images through Slide Shows, Books and simple Web designs.

Bring life to a flat RAW Image

 I still bring almost all my images into Photoshop for final tweaking, especially when complicated masking is required, but I now use Lightroom for 80-90% of my global editing.  Given its power and ease of use, for the majority of digital photography enthusiasts, Lightroom is likely all they will need to get started with image management and editing. 

The Course
During the last couple of years., I have offered a comprehensive introductory course covering all the essentials of Lightroom.  I run the class as a live demonstration.  Students are encouraged to work along on their own laptops, but a computer is not necessary to benefit from the material.   I’ve had a great time and, as is always true of teaching a course, I have learned a great deal more about the intricacies of this amazing tool.  Over the last couple of years Lightroom has evolved and grown, with increased capabilities, and I have worked to keep up with the changes. 

The Big Split
Lightroom CC
Recently Adobe has complicated our lives by splitting the Lightroom Program in two.  There are many good discussions of the differences between these very different programs, but simply speaking, the new Lightroom CC is an entirely new cloud-based program.  It offers a simpler interface, but significantly pared down capabilities.  It is designed for more casual photographers, and those who work primarily through a mobile interface.  For more serious photographers who store larger image archives locally on hard drives and who want to use the full features of the “old” Lightroom, the new program has a limited place. 

Lightroom CC Classic
For me, and most serious photographers, the “new” choice is called “Lightroom CC Classic”.  It sounds disconcertingly like the old “Coke Classic”, but Lightroom CC Classic is just the old Lightroom CC, with all of its amazing features and functions, and a few new tricks.  This split seems to be designed to create a simpler path for mobile, and other smart phone photographers, without stripping the power of the “Classic” Lightroom program.  Adobe promises to keep up with innovation on both versions of Lightroom.  We will be watching.

If you, like many, are still confused, just know that the CC and Classic versions are both included among the options in the Adobe Photography Subscription Plan, and still cost only  $9.99/month.  
My course will be covering the full power of the Lightroom CC Classic Program. 

When I in initially planned my course, I thought that that four, two-hour classes would be enough to cover the lightroom's many features, but because of my tendency to ramble and lots of great questions, I added a fifth class to cover Lightroom’s image sharing tools, including Slide Show, Book, Printing and Web Modules.

Why A Sixth Class?
Focus Stacking in Photoshop
Lightroom is a great program which covers most organizing and editing needs of the majority of photography enthusiasts, but there are many aspects of fine tuning that can be performed best from within the scary confines of Photoshop.  My Lightroom students frequently asked, “When are you going to do a course on Photoshop?”.  The prospect of trying to organize a comprehensive course on this massive program scares me to death.  But perhaps an easier approach is to take a smaller bite of the apple.  Some time ago I added a fifth class to my Lightroom course and this time I will be adding a sixth session.

Deep DOF with Focus Stacking

Lightroom to Photoshop, The Why and How

I will focus on the transition from Lightroom to Photoshop.  Starting with pictures which have been optimally edited in Lightroom, I will examine some of the important ways that Photoshop can refine those images using more precise selections, layers and compositing.  Consider it a chance to dangle your toes in the ocean of possibilities that is Photoshop.  For many who already own Photoshop as part of the Adobe Photography Plan, it can be an encouragement to take the plunge.

I have held previous Lightroom classes at my home in Spofford NH, seated comfortably around my dining room table.  Last year, the great folks at Monadnock Imaging in Keene generously offered to host the class at their store in Keene New Hampshire.  This has made the location more easily accessible, especially during the snowy winter weeks. With my next course in January, I will again gratefully accept Monadnock Imaging’s hospitality.  There will be no struggling over Chesterfield Hill in a blizzard, except for me.

There will be not five, but six, two-hour, evening sessions, and of course, snacks will be provided. The expanded course will be $225.  Please get in touch by phone or email as soon as possible to reserve your spot on the list.  I look forward to seeing you and to sharing my wonder over the amazing capabilities of Lightroom CC Classic.

Jeff Newcomer


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