Sunday, February 26, 2017

Chesterfield Center Photo Gallery

This week, in my article for the New England Photographs Guild Blog, I decided to honor my home town of Chesterfield New Hampshire.  Well, actually, just a part of it.  Chesterfield comprises three separate villages including West Chesterfield, Chesterfield Center and my home near the lake in Spofford Village.  In previous articles, I have focused heavily on Spofford, but this week I thought it would be fair to highlight the classic beauty of Chesterfield Center. 

Chesterfield is a rural community with little industrial or commercial development, located mostly along State Route 9, the only “major” road, which bifurcates the town from east to west.    The town center benefits from this lack of development.  It buildings, mostly of stone, are aligned along Route 63 and include the 1851 Town hall, an adjacent library and the diminutive stone historical society building.  Also present along the road are the town’s K-8 school, the fire department and the new town office building whose stone facade was design to compliment the other village structure.

Hubner Farm Pasture

My article for the NEP Guild goes into a little more detail, but here I just wanted to include an album of some of my favorite images that would not fit into the Guild blog.  Chesterfield Center is easy to find.   From Route 9, just turn south on route 63. You will soon discover our lovely village perched on a ridge with panoramic view to the west and the southern Vermont hills.

For more images, check out my  Chesterfield Center Gallery.


Village Center:






Village Farms 






Along the Ridge

As I look through all these images, I find it remarkable that they all came from a less than one mile stretch through Chesterfield Center.  I can only be grateful to live in such a beautiful little corner of the globe.

For more information and pictures of Chesterfield’s attractions check out these links and my Chesterfield Center Gallery.

Jeffrey Newcomer

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Long Lens Snow

Pasture White, Chesterfield, NH

Distant Pasture Snow

There are several factors which control how falling snow appears.   I discussed some of these in a previous article. They include the intensity of the storm, the size of the flakes, the wind velocity, and the shutter speed, but one factor that I didn’t discuss is worth considering. The distance from the subject and the focal length of the lens required to pull that subject close can have a striking effect on the apparent intensity of the snow fall. It is all about the volume of falling snow that veils the subject.

Chesterfield Post Office
I have always observed that the intensity of snowfall can be enhanced by moving away from a subject, and then pulling it close with a long lens.  This week I was hoping for a storm that would allow me to clearly demonstrate this effect.  

45 Feet, 32mm Lens
My opportunity came last Wednesday when a brief squall came through.  I ran up to Chesterfield Center where I had the room to shoot a similarly composed picture of the iconic Town Hall, first from a distance of 45 feet with a 32mm lens, and then from across the school playing fields out to 480 feet with a 180mm focal length.  The results were striking.

480 Feet, 180mm Lens
The foreshortening created by the long lens compressed onto the building all the extra snow which was present in the intervening distance.  Although they were taken just a few minutes apart, it looked like two entirely different storms.  The point was dramatically clear. If you want to intensify the appearance of a snow storm, back away from the subject, and then pull it back in with a long lens.  It’s not cheating.  It’s just physics.  

By the time the squall had moved on, I had made my point and also had enjoyed the full effect of the rest of those soft, lazy flakes.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ten Favorite Lightroom Short-Cuts (Sort of)

Lightroom is all about being more productive in the organizing, editing and sharing your images, and the use of the program’s many short-cuts is one of the most powerful ways to to streamline your work-flow.  Within Lightroom, there are literally hundreds of short-cuts available to control almost every function.  The trick is to find the short-cuts which apply to the tools which you use most frequently.  Of course, I have my own favorites. 

Shortcuts in Drop-Down Menus

Happily Lightroom makes it easy to find the appropriate short-cuts.  Many of the choices in the program’s drop-down menus include the short-cut for that function.  If you like tables, each module has its own list of common short-cuts found in the “help” drop-down menu.  Just select the specific short cut list.

Library Short-Cut List

The best way to assemble your own favorites list is to step through your work-flow and notice the short-cuts that apply to the functions that you use the most or that are the most difficult to access through the menus. Functions that are available with the push of a button, such as cycling between Loupe and Grid views in the Library Module, may not be as important to learn.

You will find your own favorite short-cuts, but here are some of mine.


1) Crtl-Z : Undo

I may use this more than any other short-cut.  It is nice to have a quick way to back-up from my mistakes before they get the chance to taunt me from the screen.  The nice thing is that repeated Crtl-Zs will back through any series of missteps.

2} BackSlash (“\”)\

The backslash has different functions in different modules.  In the Library, it cycles through showing and hiding the filter bar at the top of the image.  There is nothing intuitive about this selection.  The “t” key brings up the bottom Tool bar, but why “\” for the Filter bar?  It must be that more obvious keys were already taken.

In the Develop Module, the back-slash short-cut’s function is to  cycle between an edited image and its original appearance, a handy before and after tool and a bit more intuitive (leaning backwards) than in the Library Module.

3) T

“T” cycles between showing and hiding the toll bar under the main preview window.  Too many times during my Lightroom classes, students will tell me that they don’t see the Tool bar functions only because they haven’t pressed “t”  to make them appear.

Tool Bar

4) D & E

There are short-cuts for all of the Lightroom Module, but I only tend to switch quickly back and forth between the Library and Develop Modules. Given the frequency of my usage, I don’t need to a short-cut to get me to the Book Module.  “D” brings up the Develop Module and, again counter intuitively, “E”  the shortcut for the Library. If you try hitting the “L” key you will end up in the Lights Out mode.


5) G & E

“G” bring up the grid mode and “E” goes to loupe in the Library module from all the other modules.  From within the Library Module, these choices are easily available from buttons on the left of the Tool bar, but they are not present in the other modules and are used so frequently that short-cuts are helpful.

6) I

Information Overlay

“I” cycles the overlays of image information in the Loupe mode.  The key cycles between two custom information screens and a blank view.  The content of the overplays are set in the Loupe options of the View drop-down.

 Screen Architecture

7) Tab

“Tab” shows/hides the two side panels.

8) Shift-Tab

“Shift-Tab” shows/hides both the side and top panels

9) Function Keys

This is a bit of a cheat, but I will include these handy function keys all as one choice, since they all work together.

Panel : Show / Hide

“F5-F9” individually show and hide each of the panels and are worth the effort to quickly optimize the screen for a particular activity.  Happily These four keys are clustered together on my keyboard.

            F5 : Shows/Hides the Module picker (Top panel)

            F6 : Shows/Hides the Filmstrip

            F7 : Shows/Hides the Left Panel

            F8 : Shows/Hides the Right Panel

If I want to get the fullest view as I edit an individual image in the Develop Module, I can first hide all the panel with “Shift-Tab” and then bring back only the Develop Panel by hitting “F8”.

10) F

“F” is one of my favorite short-cuts that show the active image in full screen.  It provides the best view of the image without any distractions.

11,  ) Rating Short-Cuts
         I know ! "11", Consider it an Alternate "10"

Picking ten favorites is impossible, so I will cheat once again by grouping together 14 short-cuts which all have to do with rating images. 

 As I review images that I have uploaded to Lightroom, one of my first task is to rate the them based on there quality and how much time I want to spend on editing.  Lightroom has three rating systems which can be used individually or in combination, Flags(Flag, Unflag & Rejected), Stars (0-5) and Colors (Red, Yellow, Green & Blue).
 A fifth color is available but sadly Purple has no short-cut.  Regardless of the system you use to rate your images, it is convenient to use short-cuts to quickly mark each picture as you fly through the filmstrip.  You will probably choose just one or two of the rating systems and therefore I feel no shame in grouping them together as if they were one.


           “P/U” : Flag/Unflag, think of “P” as “Pick”

            “X” : Reject,  

This does not delete the image but only marks it for future sorting and consideration


            “0-5” : 0,1,2,3,4,5 Stars

            “]/[“ : Increase/Decrease Rating


            “6-9” : Red, Yellow, Green, Blue

I think “0” should have been used for Blue, but tragically, I don’t work for Adobe.


Gold Ascending Jaffrey Center, NH
OK, I know that I have listed 11 favorites, but, if you count, I have actually mentioned   30 Short-cuts!  I’m obviously not a stickler for numbers.  Enjoy, and get going with your own favorites.  Each one saves only a second or two, but when used together, they can significantly speed your work-flow.  Isn’t that what Lightroom is all about.

For a comprehensive list of the mass of other shortcuts check out "The Lightroom Queen's" collection.

Jeffrey Newcomer